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Cheshire Walks To Beat The January Blues

After the long and exciting run-up to Christmas, all the festive parties, celebrations, and a MOUNTAIN of Christmas food, the January blues can really hit hard!

The festivities are over, yet mornings and evenings are still dark. In fact, doesn’t the month just seem to drag on forever? It’s not all doom and gloom though. We at The Lion see January as a great time to reset and take up some healthy habits!

One of these, of course, is always getting active. So why not get to exploring our wonderful surroundings at the same time? Being outside can lift your spirits, with studies proving this very fact!

Our team have been discussing our favourite walks around Malpas and Cheshire that really beat those blues. So, if you’re looking for some ideas on where to wander this January that are nice and close to your favourite, The Lion, then keep on reading…

Bickerton Hills and Sandstone Circular

The 5.1k sandstone circular trail is one of the most popular walks around Malpas, and we can certainly see why. The trial, which has many fun ups and downs, lets you explore the rolling hills of Malpas and beyond. If you’re lucky, on a clear day, you can see as far as the Liver building and Ellesmere Port! This route is also suitable for your pets, so why not bring them along for a stretch of the paws! It’s only 12 minutes from The Lion, you and your pup can always stop by for some replenishment and a warm by the fire afterwards.

Raw Head

Our next spot is Raw Head in Bickerton, which is nice and close too at only 13 minutes from The Lion! The Raw Head trail is the highest point within the Sandstone Trail, and this 5.5 trek is filled with rugged sandstone outcrops, lofty trees, and panoramic views and will see you take on the woodlands filled with a wide variety of wildlife. You can even hear wrens, goldcrests, and other small birds if you are quiet enough! The woods on Bulkeley Hill that you can explore there too will really defeat those January blues with its magical atmosphere, delicate silver birch, and majestic, sweet chestnut trees twisting high up into the canopy. A beautiful sight to witness on a cold January morning! Team it with a coffee at The Lion and you have yourself the perfect winter plans.

Alderford Lake Circular

If you love an easy and relaxing walk along the waterside, then this is the perfect ramble for you. Alderford Lake is a quiet 1.3km walk that really lets you take in the beauty of your surroundings. The calm and pleasant surroundings give you time to reflect on the busy Christmas that has just passed and lets you breathe in a fresh start to the new year. The Lion is just 12 minutes away; so whether you’re staying with us for a post-Christmas break, or just popping in for your lunch – we’re perfectly placed.

Grosvenor Park

And finally, if you’re more of a city stroller, you’ll like starting off your new year learning some history at Grosvenor Park in Chester! Steeped in rich heritage, it is one of the finest examples of Victorian parks in the UK. The grounds feature large sweeping lawns, oak trees, and beautiful flower beds of winter buds. The park is also located beside the River Dee, which you can always extend your wander to, we think it’s one of the most soothing ways to beat those January blues.

Beating Those January Blues at The Lion

Something as simple as a morning or afternoon walk can really defeat that sluggish feeling after the Christmas madness. An even better way to de-stress is to book a little January staycation to help get over the long month. Why not take advantage of those extra few days of holiday allowance and spend it in our luxury B&B? You can find all details about our rooms on our website.

Or, to enquire about availability, call 01948 807070, or email

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